Landscape Designer in Chico California

Bonnie Smith is a landscape designer based in Chico California specializing in colorful Mediterranean plants suitable for this area. Bonnie is a licensed landscape contractor with over 30 years of experience in landscape design and contracting. This includes:
- Landscape Design: Conceptual designs drawn to scale showing hardscape layout and plant placement.
- Photos provided of selected plants. Extensive knowledge of suitable plants for our area
- Plant Brokering
- Supervision of projects with gardeners and ability to work with landscape contractors
- Garden Consultation
- Emphasis on curb appeal, low maintenance & low water usage
Bonnie has been specializing in drought tolerant plants for many years, long before water shortages became such a primary focus. It only makes sense to plant plants suitable for our Mediterranean climate, and to reduce lawns as much as possible. There are so many native, succulent, desert, and colorful Mediterranean plants that can work well together with little water requirements. Many gardens have been overwatered through the years. This can lead to deterioration of both the original hard scape structures and plantings. Bonnie successfully transform old tired gardens into inviting new landscapes of beauty and enjoyment. Bonnie is dedicated to educating customers and maintenance gardeners about using less water, helping to ensure a thriving sustainable garden.